AJIST VOL 1 (Jan - Jun 2011)
Use of E-Resources by Engineering Faculties in Selected Universities of Western
Uttar Pradesh, India: A Survey

Sunil Tyagi
Library & Information Centre, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Government of India, Ghaziabad - 201002, Utter Pradesh, India
(Received on 01 May 2011 and accepted on 31 May 2011)


The present study sought to identifies trends among engineering faculties at Selected Universities of Western Uttar Pradesh in utilizing conventional/electronic information resources and services to develop their teaching, research and personal knowledge. The problem has been studied based on the information available in the open literature and a survey conducted on the use, awareness and utilization of collections and services in higher education. The study is based on questionnaire method. A questionnaire was distributed among the faculties to collect desired data. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed to the selected sample for the session 2010-11; 191 valid samples were collected. The result showed a growing interest in electronic information resources among the engineering faculties at Universities of Western Uttar Pradesh. All the faculties belonging to the concern Universities use of e-journals, earticles, databases, e-books, downloading services and online search facilities available in the university. All the faculties belonging to the concern Universities used Science Direct, IEEE/IEE IEL online, Springer, INSIGHT and EBSCO online. The result showed that all the respondents got better informed, get current, comprehensive information and save time by using Electronic Information Resources. All the respondents preferred online version of journals and all the respondents stated that by using e-resources the quality of research improved highly.

Keywords: CD-ROM, E-resources, Online Database, Online journals