Indian Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IJME)
About IJME |
Indian Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IJME) is a yearly international peer-reviewed journal of Mechanical Engineering. One of the objectives of this journal is to disseminate knowledge on various research issues connected with the topics include, but are not limited to: |
Statics and dynamics Strength of materials and solid mechanics Instrumentation and measurement Thermodynamics, heat transfer, energy conversion, and HVAC Combustion, automotive engines, fuels Fluid mechanics and fluid dynamics Mechanism design (including kinematics and dynamics) Manufacturing engineering, technology, or processes Hydraulics and pneumatics Engineering design Product design Mechatronics and control theory Material Engineering Design engineering, Drafting, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) (including solid modeling), and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
AI, intelligent control, neuro-control, fuzzy control and their applications
Artificial Intelligence and Engineering
Bioengineering and Biomedical engineering
Biologically-Inspired Robots and Systems
Biomedical and rehabilitation engineering, prosthetics and artificial organs
CAD/CAM/CAE, CIM, FMS and manufacturing systems
Composite Materials
Computational Intelligence in Mechatronics
Computer and Robot Vision
Computer Applications
Computer Control
Control system modeling and simulation techniques and methodologies
Control Systems and Machine Dynamics
Cutting Toll Design
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
Distributed Systems
Dynamics, Motion Control
Education and Training in Mechatronics
Elasticity, Plasticity, Viscoelasticity and Fracture
Elements, structures, mechanisms, and applications of micro and nano systems
Embedded Real-time Systems
Engineering Economics
Evaluation Computer Aided Production Planning, Scheduling and Control
Expert Systems and Reversed Engineering
Fault Detection and Diagnosis
Fault Diagnosis
Force/Impedance Control, Architecture and Programming
Functionality graded materials
Haptics, Teleoperation, Telerobotics and Network Robotics
Hardware/software Co-design
Human-Robot Interfaces
Industrial automation, process control, manufacturing process and automation
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Planning
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Intelligent mechatronics, robotics, biomimetics, automation, and control systems
Intelligent System
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Kinematics, Mechanics and Mechanism Design
Legged Robots, Wheeled Mobile Robots
Machine Design
Machine Elements
Machine Toll Design, CNC, Metrology
Machining Processes
Man Machine Interfaces
Manufacturing System Architecture, Design and Performance
Material Science
Materials and Material Processing
Mechanical Metallurgy
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Mechanisms, Systems
Mechatronic Systems and Applications
Mechatronics Design
Mechatronics Education
Medical Robots and Systems
Metal Cutting
Metal Forming
Methodologies for Robotics and Automation
Micro Mechatronics
Micro/Nano, Distributed, Cellular and Multi Robots
Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems
Modeling, Planning and Control
Motion Control
Network based control systems
Operations Research
Personal and Service Robotics
Petri Nets
Process Control
Production Management
Production Technology
Quality Control
Robotics and Automation in Unstructured Environment
Robots and Mobile Machines
Sensor Based Robotics
Sensor Design, Integration and Fusion
Sensor design, multi-sensor data fusion algorithms and wireless sensor networks
Signal and image processing and pattern recognition
Smart Materials
Stability and Noise
Teleoperation, telerobotics, haptics, and teleoperated semi-autonomous systems
Total Quality Management, Maintenance and Diagnostics
Underwater Robotics
Vibration and Control
Virtual Reality
Vision and Sensors
Welding and Powder Technology
Editorial Board |
Editor-in-Chief |
Dr R Saravanan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
Tamil Nadu, India |
Editorial Advisory Board |
Dr. Ya-Pu Zhao
State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics
Institute of Mechanics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China
Dr. Chang-Hua Lien
Professor and Director of Department of Marine Engineering
National Kaohsiung Marine University
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Dr. Hazizan Md Akil
School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering
Engineering Campus,Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Nibong Tebal,Penang, Malaysia
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Editorial Policy of IJME
Indian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, a multidisciplinary Mechanical Engineering Journal is a Peer-reviewed International Journal and publishes from Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, South India. The journal has been established since October 2012 on a firm goniv Publications - A Global Research Publishing House. The journal publishes high quality reviews, full papers and communications in all branches of Mechanical Engineering and its sub-disciplines.
Originality |
IJME does not accept manuscripts that have been published or submitted elsewhere.
IJME does not accept manuscripts that have been accepted (or are under active consideration) for publication elsewhere.
IJME may accept a paper that has appeared in a similar form in publications not available to the general public, such as conference proceedings, reports, and abstracts for international conferences, but the author(s) must submit a cover letter stating the previous publication and a reprint(s) at the time of manuscript submission.
Reviewing Processes |
When manuscripts have been received by the Editor-in-Chief, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the author(s) via e-mail. The Editor-in-Chief chooses an editor to handle the manuscript review.
The submitted manuscript will be subjected to screening review for its scope, novelty, completeness, English level, and conformation to the IJME policy. A manuscript not passing the screening review will immediately be returned to the authors.
The editor in-charge will select an expert reviewer to evaluate the manuscript.
The articles can be fully acceptable or the articles can be completely rejected or the articles may be asked for some minor corrections or the articles may be required to be submitted again after major revision.
Manuscripts returned to authors for revision should be resubmitted promptly. If the revision cannot be finished within two month, the manuscript will be regarded as having been withdrawn.
Once the revised articles are received from the authors then they are sent for printing.
The authors firstly receive the Proof of their articles which are sent to them by e-mail for any corrections to be incorporated.
After the editing and corrections are done then the authors will receive the Final Proof to see what actually their paper will look as.
After incorporating the final corrections the articles are sent for printing.
The Editor-in-Chief will finally decide whether or not to accept the manuscript for publication.
Authors can make an appeal against rejection by document only once.
Authors are requested to submit their manuscript online to gonivjournals@yahoo.com
Journal Prints
goniv has a liberal policy to allow the authors and readers to order the hard copies of any particular number/ issue, volume or set of volumes of the journal. The hard copy initiative is a print-on-demand and a not-for-profit initiative. A minimal fees is applied to cover the printing, handling, packaging and postal delivery of the journal volume. To keep the process simple, goniv journal pricing is uniformly applicable over all the volumes.
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Editors and Reviewers |
goniv Publications is seeking qualified researchers to join its editorial team as Associate Editor, Editorial Advisory Board Member, and Reviewers.
Kindly send your details to gonivjournals@gmail.com
Call for Papers |
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to gonivjournals@gmail.com with mention journal title.
Scholar of the Month |
The Journals honor Outstanding Scholars in various fields. Scholar of the Month should have contributed to their field and to the larger community. Recipients will be nominated by the Advisory Board and approved by the Editor-in-Chief of the allied journals published by goniv publications. Scholar of the Month will be displayed in the web portal of the concerned journal.
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Please send your brief write up to gonivjournals@gmail.com
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